Friday. 2243 HRS. Winchester Tavern. You scrape at the thin layer of icy-slush clinging to the side of your mug with your index finger as you work to free a piece of spicy peanut stuck to the back of your tooth with your tongue. On the TV overhead Baez grounds into an inning-ending double play sending the table of over-dressed brokers behind you into a chorus of boos sprinkled with a few ‘slightly’ racist remarks. Luckily ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ is blasting from the jukebox for the third time this hour and Steve Perry is doing a knockout job drowning out...
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“The only thing new in the world is the history you don’t know.” President Harry Truman said that and I’m inclined to agree with him. I feel as Veterans we have a greater interest in the past than most others. From the moment we arrive to our first duty station, one of the things we are given is a booklet (or several booklets) that details our unit’s history. We’re told to read it and know it just as well as we know how to field strip a rifle. Unit history gives us a detailed look into the past and a...
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As the presenter clicks through the neverending slides your eyelids grow heavy, your head rolls backward, and your chair tips- you have died of Powerpoint.
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The true story of Operation Iraqi Freedom, tower guard, and one man's silky-smooth peaches...
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The true story of a J-DAM, the Taliban, and a friggin Panda.
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You enter a dark hallway that reeks of discount smokes, burnt shrimp flavored Ramen, and broken dreams. In your hand you grasp a crumpled piece of paper inscribed with 'Johnny. 187.' You were told this guy was the absolute best- knowledgeable, gifted, some even referring to him as 'The Oracle'. Stepping over a rogue crusty green sock on the floor, you begin to make your way into the haze, your future hanging in the wings, desperate for a way out. As you walk down the dingy hall a naked guy on a skateboard clutching a fifth suddenly rounds the...
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